The Starry Teller

Telling the Stories of the Stars ….

Astrology – More Old Age than New Age

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Astrology- More Old Age than New Age
In the realm of the realist there seems little place for something with such a “New Age” association as Astrology. Leading to the first piece of interesting Astrology Trivia…
Astrology is not “New Age”, it is “Old Age”, in fact really “Old Age”. Use of Astrology has been documented in every civilization that has written records. A large Zodiacal wheel was even discovered in a Jewish temple in Israel.
A second piece….
Many things that people accept as commonly known truths are actually astrologically- based. Birthday wishes when blowing out candles even have an astrological basis. The Sun represents what you want. When the Sun in the sky is in the same place as it was when you were born (this happens on or within a few hours of your birthday) the combined energy of your wants/desires leave for a special open portal where the Universe is especially receptive to your intentions. By the way, unlike is “traditional”, you can have many wishes/intentions, not just one.
and more….
It is statistically accepted that the divorce rate decreases dramatically when people marry after the age of thirty. This is also astrological. Every person goes through an astrological transit called a “Saturn Return” between the ages of twenty-eight to thirty. One of Saturn’s many jobs is to define your approach to life. There are twelve houses, which represents twelve fields of experience we have as humans. When you get to your Saturn Return (age twenty-eight to thirty) you have had Saturn come through every field of experience, defining your approach to life. Unfortunately, that approach to life was based on parental views and opinions, your culture, your neighborhood, your upbringing, and society in general. As you complete the cycle you look at your life and say, “Hey, what is going on here?!” You start to question the validity of the views you have taken on and start assessing how many of them are really true for you. This sets you up for the next twenty-eight to thirty year cycle of Re-defining your approach to all the fields of experience according to yourself. This is why many relationships dissolve in that time frame because the individual changes their identity to something truer to themselves, which means they may or may not still mesh with their partner.
…still more…
Another commonly accepted experience in life, the “Mid-life Crisis” is also astrological. Between thirty-eight and forty-two a transit called “Uranus Opposition” occurs. Among other things, Uranus is the planet of freedom and breaking the ties that bind, it’s the planet of “Shock and Awe” that shakes you until things that are no longer relevant to the current person you are broken loose. When this planet in the sky is opposite to/opposing/180 degrees from the place where Uranus was when you were born it sets up the energy of major inner opposition, dichotomy, and conflict. Any place where you don’t have freedom of expression in your life will get challenged, hence the typical seemingly bizarre behaviors of buying a candy-apple red convertible and completely changing your appearance. It appears from the outside that the person has gone crazy but what’s really happening is this shaking loose, and inner opposition. It occurs to different extremes depending on many factors but the underlying energy is the same.
There are many more such examples of truths we accept that come from astrological occurrences.
still going…
There are more hospital, including mental hospital, admissions on the full moon, there is also more crime. People have an easier time believing/accepting that the moon directly influences us than they do other planets and heavenly bodies. So what you should know is that EVERY planet and heavenly body affects us just as much. The placements of the planets when you were born and the transits of the planets in their continuous orbits all affect every individual, whether they accept it, understand it, or not. All of the planetary placements and transits are unconscious factors that are directing your life, always. The fathers of Modern Psychology understood this and used astrology in their treatment of clients. In a chart you can see pre-dispositions, orbs of energetic possibilities waiting for the use of the Free Will to be realized. In relationships of every kind you can see the places of easy flow and of challenges by looking at a chart comparison. You can also understand what can be done to bring more flow to those challenging areas. You can see how children and people of every age learn, what they need, what they want, how the express themselves, how they love, how they use their energy, and how they approach life, and so much more. When using this information to know oneself and be in one’s highest expression, it is an invaluable tool.
and lastly for now…
The limitations of “Sun Sign Astrology”. This is the type of Astrology that generates the typical horoscopes that are found everywhere. While many valuable and accurate things can be found through using this, it is very limited compared to looking at the complicated layers of an individuals’ chart. I believe that it may sometimes serve a dis-service to Astrology in the way that the generality of it can serve to convince some people that Astrology isn’t legitimate, valid, or helpful. Often people read about all different signs and find resonance in all of them leaving them feeling confused. This is because we all have all signs within us, so part of us will resonate with every sign. Just as you have a Sun sign, you also have signs for the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Uranus, Pluto, a Rising sign, and so many more. Each sign placement, house placement, and the mathematical angles they make to each other are all different layers of the uniqueness of you- your individuality. So you can see how just looking at one of those factors could be discouraging or limiting at times.
So when you hear people on line at the store discussing Astrology, consider revisiting the possibilities. If you are already on a path of self-discovery consider using Astrology as one of the paths to your souls highest expression, just as all of the Ancient people have done, and many other cultures continue to do.
If you’re interested in learning more or having a personal reading you can contact Annie Botticelli at . Learn more about Annie at and more about Annie’s Organic Bath and Body Product Company, Consciousness Blossoms, at .
Copyright 2010 & 2013 by Annie Botticelli

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